Toronto's Favourite Magician | Toronto Female Magician 647-526-7673

Sisterhood Playing Cards

Can A Deck Of Cards Change The World?

The SISTERHOOD Deck increases awareness and representation of shared conditions, experiences, and concerns. Every court card prompts meaningful discussion. Perfect for gameplay, magic, and cardistry.

Sisterhood Playing Cards Red And Blue Together
Sisterhood Playing Cards Back Design, Red and Blue.
Sisterhood Playing Cards Inside Box Printing Foiled

Spark conversations that can alter the course of history.

Sisterhood Cards King of Spades

‘Strength Queen’ Stat: 11% of those who participated in our survey say the situation for women magicians is improving.

Kid Magician Queen of Hearts Sisterhood Playing Cards

Picture a child interested in magic. Are you thinking of a young boy wearing a top hat and cape? Our ‘Kid Magician Queen’ aims to challenge this assumption.

Sisterhood Playing Cards Jack of Diamonds

‘Escape Queen’ Stat: 64% of those who filled out the survey believe that audiences have biases about magic based on the perceived gender of the magician they are watching.

Queen of Clubs Sisterhood Playing Cards Elder Queen

The ‘Elder Queen’ includes all four suits and represents: Wisdom, Matriarchy, Perspective, Experience, and Mentorship.

Of 561 female magicians worldwide, 230 participated in our

 Groundbreaking Survey

Infographic on Female Magicians from Sisterhood Playing Cards
Sisterhood Survey Results About Female Magician Show on an infographic.

A Vehicle for Information

Every court card connects to a survey statistic. Comes with a printed guide.

Playing Cards

are one of the world’s oldest and most beloved functional art forms.

Widespread Familiarity

and acceptance make them an ideal communication tool to spread a message.



Maker's Mark Ace of Hearts Sisterhood

Empower. Support. Educate.
Statistics discovered here mimic many other male-dominated fields. Magic is a microcosm.

Representation Matters

Images like these have NEVER appeared on playing cards,

“The SISTERHOOD Deck is the first of its kind”

“Playing cards have existed in some form for thousands of years. They are beloved worldwide for entertaining and collecting. Despite the millions of custom decks available, the SISTERHOOD Deck is the first of its kind. Female figure court cards representing real-world statistics, plus the designer Ace of Hearts and diptych jokers, make this a unique deck of cards, with incredible potential.” 

– Lee Asher, President of 52 Plus Joker